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The dark side
by alpha prime on Mar 23, 2009 04:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I know every one is happy with Nano BUT !!!!!! Mr.Tata knows very well what CO2 emissions are causing to the world right now .. Yes he knows it much better than us because he is much more intelligent then us. SO why is he pumping India with more CO2 emissions????? I know for a layman CO2 emissions means nothing but definitly not to Mr.Tata. He know ow bad it is for our future generations and pumping a cheap car into Indian roads for the poor will only have bad prognosis in the end ... So why is he doing this???? for the poor or for more money?????????? Please somebody as Mr.Tata this .. What is doing to make sure that the co2 levels and ozone holes does not increase?? hmmm food for thought... whats your opinion??

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  Re: The dark side
by Rajan C on Mar 23, 2009 04:47 PM   Permalink
Are you using a car only scooter?

How one can deny the comfort of the enjoyment because you have money?

If you are really concerned about Pollution, then increase public transportation at subsidised rate, with more comfort, Increase tax for all polluting vehicles, Natually the pollution will come under control

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  Re: Re: The dark side
by alpha prime on Mar 23, 2009 06:00 PM   Permalink
I understand your point - but what you are missing is the fact that he is adding on to the emissions. He is not buying the old 2 stroke scooters and giving nanos away . The 2 stroke scooters and nanos both will be running in our streets now. So i guess i made sense. Then as a far as US is concered I am in India So lets clean up my country first and then worry about other countries . I guess that also make sense. Dont you think so my friend???

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  Re: The dark side
by Pritam Misra on Mar 23, 2009 04:20 PM   Permalink
Do you have any idea how much CO2 emission is there from the 2-stroke engine scooter which the targetted family is using currently as against a car like Nano? Well - to answer your question - it pollutes as much as FOUR Maruti cars.. Please do some amount of background checking before making baseless statements and accusations.
On top of that, if it was your own family travelling unsafe on a scooter as against in the comfort of a non-polluting car, which one would you choose, I wonder.

And if you are so concerned about pollution, then you should look at much lesser populated countries like the US polluting far higher than our country. Does that make sense? Are you raising your voice against that - I believe you should do that first!

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  Re: Re: The dark side
by alpha prime on Mar 23, 2009 06:01 PM   Permalink
I understand your point - but what you are missing is the fact that he is adding on to the emissions. He is not buying the old 2 stroke scooters and giving nanos away . The 2 stroke scooters and nanos both will be running in our streets now. So i guess i made sense. Then as a far as US is concered I am in India So lets clean up my country first and then worry about other countries . I guess that also make sense. Dont you think so my friend???

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