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Astrologers : Affordable House Post April.09
by historyrepeats on Mar 12, 2009 11:35 PM   Permalink

Once affordable house starts building. Economy will be on right track.
How ?

Affordable house simply translates into increasing the purchasing power of common man.

Saving means people increasing their expenditure on essential commodities and consumer goods.

Means Manufacturing sectors gets boost.

Means Cos going for expansion , modernisation and expansion.

Means services sector gets job.

Means India Inc booming

Means stock investor gaining confidence and incrasing their stake in scrips and purchasing new IPO.

Means NRI , FII and FDI bring dollars.

Means surplus money to Indian companies.

Means India Inc going global and purchasing foreign cos and exploring foreign market.

Means renewed confidence in stock market and bring first time investor in stock market.

Means Whole economy reviving and India going global.

Is this not simple to understand that affordable house is the need of the hour. Till it is done , common man will keep investing 40 to 50 per cent of their income in paying EMI or house rent.

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