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Swine flu is harmless to us in India !
by piri on Apr 30, 2009 11:52 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

As Mr.Khushwant Singh once said, the people of the developed world are much more susceptible to virus infections than those in developing countries, unused as they are to unhygienic environments that are so routine in countries such as India.

They have had 'pandemics' such as BSE, Saars, Bird flu, etc. and now they have Swine flu !

None of these 'pandemics' have had any effect in India and neither will 'Swine flu' have any !

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  Re: Swine flu is harmless to us in India !
by Ram Online on May 01, 2009 01:39 AM   Permalink
1918 Pandemic flu(also known as Sapnish flu) 5% Indian polulation died. At that time India, less than 5% of population is in the cities. Rural India was completely isolated becuase of the lack of the modern transporation facilies. Now the situation is completely different. We should not under estimate the threat of this flu. At the same time panicking wihtout complete info helps either. We should take all the precausions. Go to CDC(Center for disease control, US govt web site) or WHO web site for more info on this flu.

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  Re: Re: Swine flu is harmless to us in India !
by fun guy on May 01, 2009 09:10 AM   Permalink
well said.

below is the message to tell how people are carried away my media.

Hi Zee Tamil(in-charge),

In Yesterdays(29-4-2009) news you said that the swine flu is not possible in India. Actually WHO or any other countries scientific community who is forerunner in H1N1 virus research said that it is not possible in India. You should check the fact before put in news item. just search in Google or wikipedia you will get tons of information. Do you know about the spanish flu pandemic. wiki says that about 1,70,00,000 dead toll in INDIA. it is another subtype of H1N1. I think some foolish politician might have told.
I think providing false news with out checking the fact is unethical and act of irresponsibility. you should correct it.


Indian please be cautious. check the fact. don't be carried away by unprofessional goons.

Please foreword it to as many as possible to create awareness among the people how professional we are in dealing issues.

let us try to build strong India.

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  Re: Re: Swine flu is harmless to us in India !
by ravi shankar on May 01, 2009 04:53 AM   Permalink
Well said Ram

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  Re: Re: Swine flu is harmless to us in India !
by piri on May 01, 2009 12:49 AM   Permalink
Cool down.

Why don't you reserve your contempt for the labouriously self-styled 'high profile' Indian 'fashion' and movie 'stars' who strain every nerve to try and faithfully ape their western counterparts ???

At least, they really deserve every bit of ridicule that can come their way !!!

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  Re: Re: Re: Swine flu is harmless to us in India !
by Devdutt Nayak on May 01, 2009 01:20 AM   Permalink
see 2nd sentence

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