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Terrorism in our backyard
by paki killer on Nov 29, 2008 11:14 PM

Had we been in the US or Israel our country would already be bombing terrorist targets across the border. But here we are holding opinion polls and just talking. This is what ails India. We need to have enough self respect and all this pseudo patriotism will wither away in a week.

I am for hot pursuit, to chase the terrorists in their lair and put them through so much pain enough to put the fear of God in them so much so that they would never ever dream in their wildest dreams of attacking India.

I am livid not just because they attacked us, but because they thought that we could be attacked and they know fully well that we will not go after them. Its as if they have challenged our very reason to exist.

Just hear what the terrorists have to say about us. They are unrepentant, and in their sense of righteousness, we have been reduced to laughing stock internationally.

My views may sound extreme, but the time to be nice and polite is over, the time to talk is over...we need affirmative action and it has to happen NOW.

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