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Re: Re: Re: I am really feel proud of our soldiers!!
by ryan on Nov 29, 2008 06:15 PM

None of the so-called hindu terrorists attribute their acts to their religion... while islamic terrorists are explicit about their religion ordaining them to kill all unbelievers. For muslims, persecution simply means "not allowing them to be rulers".. that is the root cause of the problem. Islam commands the believers to wage an eternal war against Kafirs until the whole world comes under Dar-ul-Islam.. right now all kafir-lands are considered Dar-ul-Harb. Terrorism shall never end until the psychology behind it is not understood.. you can kill terrorists, but more will sprout since the seed still exists and the roots are deep! You cannot understand why the nazis did what they did, until you understand the ideology of Nazism.. similarly you shall not understand why muslims do as they do till you know what Islam is all about.. so please shed your political correctness before we die of a stray bullet in the next attack!

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