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by sushil jha on Nov 29, 2008 05:02 PM

I do not blame any one, neither rogue elements of ISI, nor Pakistan, nor LeT, nor any Terrorist nor Indian Intelligence or Cops. “When u have a hole in boat, don’t blame water for drowning”. Our biggest "hole" embedded in our social fabric is not having confidence in Religion, Community, Caste etc with whom we share the air and space. The insecurity in us, forces us to vote for politicians, who could be advantageous to “Our People” rather than person who could be “Best for country”. If I belong to elite, well off strata of this country, upholding democracy is not my responsibility. It has been irony of the nation that democracy has been burden on Middle and Lower class. Would be nice to know, how many Indians sitting in those five star Hotels have voted for even once? Surely, the number would be surprising. Equally Intelligencia, have known to shouting on non-consequential issues in media, but not charismatic enough to have drawn people to use democracy as a tool for betterment of life and society. We are “hole” in this society, who has created Politicians, Bureaucrats, Elite group, Intelligencia who have failed to raise the life of “Common Man”. They have been too busy for their own benefits. In this moment of tragedy, when my heart goes out for people like Maj. Sandeep, I also prey that people of this country arise their faith and belief in the way they want to run the country. Lets have our inner strength clear before

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