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I am really feel proud of our soldiers!!
by Abdullah Saikh on Nov 29, 2008 04:44 PM

But think once about our inter nal politics.
I strongly condemn this coward act!!!

And my deepest condolence to our veer soldiers.
But think once??
First time we saw terror face in our financial capital.
We saw so many bomb blast since 15 years but never to see terroist face.
First time we saw terroist face at our financial capital!!!
Dont know what was their motive??What they wanted???
I am really scared what will be happen in future??
If Taj,Oberoi like Hotel where has z plus security not to survived how should survive general ppls???
Any terroist will come our house & can kill us !!!
Pls think about it!!But ask our politician why this situation has been create by some nasty politician for their gains????
I heard yesterday's AIR current situation program,where Mr.Bhaskar has said clearly that Advani responcible for all of these acts.
After Babri demolation total situation has been changed in our country.After demolation riots had been occured all over country & death toll was few lakhs!Then 1993 Bombay blast.Again we saw Godhra carnage & gujrat riots!!
Why these ppl attacking us again & again??
Pls stop religious politics,stop regional politics otherwise it will be happen again & again!!
Jai bharat!!!

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