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Terrorist are now following the Politicians - Language Division
by Ordinary Indian on Nov 27, 2008 04:22 AM

After our political parties have torn the country apart based on langauge - a Marathi, a Tamil, a Kannadiga, a Bengali, an Oriya, a Malayali and so on and reservation for them. We all know that.

Now it is seems terrorists are following the same pattern. It is "Deccan Muzahiddin" which means Muzahiddin from south india.

They are actually smart. They know if they say they are from south and they have done the blast at north, then south indians will not say anything.

Next time get ready to see the terrorists attacks based on various languages in India!!! So when a Marathi Muzahiddin blasts say a Bengal only Bengalis wills shout or a Bengali Muzahiddin blasts Himachal only Himachali will shout.

Terrorists seems to be found inspirations from politicians. Good work by our great leaders!!

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