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Second Independence
by My Nmae is Gandhi on Nov 27, 2008 04:36 AM

It is the high time that the political sewage is sweeping in to everyone’s personal life. Politics is the biggest menace for Indians. My appeal to all fellow Indians: The biggest problem in India is political system. It is damaged form the grass roots. Now, the Indian youth are well educated, broad minded and ambitious. We need to change the political structure. Let us work to gain Second Independence from the filthy politicians.

The important and useful things we need is a change in the electoral system.
1). A person who is nominated should have public approval prior to enter nomination.
2). There should be a provision in the ballet paper that one can choose to print that none or one of the candidates are suitable for election, means debar them form the election.
3).We need a facility to call back the MLAs & MPs from the board.

Let us spread this message across blogs, Internet, papers and many sites whatever way possible.

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