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Re: Its a fight between terrorists and civilians.
by kumar on Nov 27, 2008 04:53 AM

you do speak sense and no sense. you are right that we shouldn't give religious torch, well said!

But the people should only support government with "right policies". Not just put blind faith. If it's the first time, we could assume they were taken off gaurd. But this goes way back and within this year they have been several such instances, so we should still support them. Then they would relax, have a cup of chai and go and shop for blazers and suits.

You are right the Government is the hope, it has been that way since democracy in India. That's no excuse to put blind faith. Please give a week and see if there is any policy shift. Both the major parties would still be on with the same argument. It like dejavu and more indians die. This is sad state of affairs. We should learn from USA. We are copy cats of USA anyways, why not their policies?

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