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making a film on fanatic by another
by tula taraju on May 02, 2007 08:27 AM

From what i have read abt periyar is he was an ambitious man. But alas he couldnot study beyond 4th the rigours and discipline enforced in schools those days were against the very grain of the then EVR who was flambouyant and flashy with wealth to flounder.J.Nehru too was flashy and flambouyant but he completed his law studies abroad and a typical Englishman way was in manners and etiquettes so much so his wife(Kamla) and inlaws(learned Kashimiri pundits) too felt outofplace in Motilal and son's Allahabad bungalow!EVR was quick to grasp caste divide prevalent in his time in society and realise his ambition of leadership by pitting 97% against 3% precisely followed by political masters now in UP and adj belt!Needless to say he proved the old English adage 'Politics is the last resort of*********

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Nobody can be like Periyar'