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Why talk about Caste and Religion in this Global world
by RamaKrishna Dhullipalla on May 02, 2007 07:57 AM

Brahmins stopped dominating the Caste system a long time before. Because of the wrong leaders who were existing at the time of Independence this system is crossing its limits and is causing disturbances between different castes. Caste system is a developed for a civilized form of living in the ancient Hindu society. It is mentioned that castes were created by God and Human will fall into respective caste as per their deeds. We know many people like Valmiki, Vyas, Viswamitra, Vasista who became Brahmins by their deeds. In this Global world we should call Einstien, Edison, Bill Gates etc as Brahmin if that is the name for a superior human.
The biggest evil ever existed on this earth is Religion and caste which is transforming human into some other new species . That new species cant compete, cant luv fellow humans from other castes , want reservations for generations as if they were physically and mentally handicapped, form political parties based on their caste...dont know till what extent it will go. If the meaning of development is the increase in more number of beter humans definitely our country is underdeveloped than Somalia and other African countries because of this caste system.

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