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Too many information missed out in the interview
by rolladesi on May 02, 2007 08:32 AM

Mr Gnana Rajsekharan has missed out on many points. He is a genuine film-maker no doubt, but he knows that the topic is too controversial to be filmed. I have few questions:

1. Have you portrayed how and why the DMK leaders split from Periyar? Truth is that they backstabbed him in their pursuit for power.

2. Isn't it true that nobody was ready to finance the movie because many senior DMK leaders are still alive and there are many skeletons in the cupboard that cannot be exposed

3. Isn't it true that DMK did not want to finance the movie initially, but when they heard that it was close to becoming a reality, they were forced to step in and finance so that the "wrong" version would be portrayed on screen?

4. How true have you been to Periyar's role in Congress and his participation in Satyagraha etc. Congress leaders and Periyar's descendents have already raised a complaint against it?
I think DMK financing this movie is like BJP/RSS financing a movie on Mahatma Gandhi!

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'Nobody can be like Periyar'