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RE:Materialism!! and Bhraminism.
by on May 19, 2007 04:52 PM

It is no surprise all the Govt. jobs are cornered by Brahmins because they only had access to education. The competition was among brahmins only.Rajaji closed 6000 schools in rural area in 1953 and introduced Kulakalvi.he was driven out of power and a 6th student had better vision and reopened the closed schools and in addition 12000 schools were opened. Now brahmins find it very difficult to compete with others. Merit is everywhere.If a SC/ST/BC candidate gets a job they say it is because of reservation.The theory of merit will not hold good in Tamilnadu where education and acquiring knowledge is spreading like fire.Just wait for one more decade.Most of the medical and engineering seats(95%) in non reserved category (OC) is secured by SC/ST/BC/MBC.Where the merit has gone ? Given the opportunity of better schooling the depressed classes will outsmat the so called/claimed forward communities/castes.

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