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RE:Materialism!! and Bhraminism.
by on May 19, 2007 05:06 PM

Kamaraj who studied only upto 6th standard had a better vision and concern for society than an eloquent Rajaji who had least concern for society who closed 6000 schools.Only after aquiring education one can compete. If you deny quality education, you are warding off competion in the begging stage itself.The urban kids with all facilities like Horlicks,car to escort them to school, English medium education,evening tuition, nutritious food,educated parents who will also study with them, etc., and he will score 90% Compare this with a rural boy who does not have a good meal,has to walk 2 miles,has to support his parents with part time work to earn for the family,least access to english communication etc and still scored 85 to 90 %.Who is really meritorious ? The downtrodden need some support and they will compete effectively and outscore the so CLAIMED forward castes/communities.

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'Nobody can be like Periyar'