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RE:Materialism!! and Bhraminism.
by AAKAASH on Jul 06, 2007 03:15 AM

This is writtern out of hatred. Rajaji actually overnight doubled the number of children educated in schools as the number of schools were limited. This was done through staggering of school hours (double shift) As to how the spare time will be spent by the students his solution was they learn the work of the family/the village/town. It was Rajaji's dream that all must have training in physical/manual jobs too as no physical work is menial.
Every child can study well irrespective of caste, provided they get right kind of education. Even 50 years back but for Brahmins, Pillais, Mudaliars and a few other castes people were not interested to go to schools.They had other vocations, more profitable. Education was not DENIED to any one except SCs and STs.
95% of medical and engg seats are secured by BC,MBC,SC,ST is enough proof that the reservation policy needs review and many castes shd be removed from reservation list. Open list Reservation can be a useful tool to include/exclude castes.Finally the people who suffered and still suffering are Dalits only. The non-brahmins and Brahmins belong to the class who have exploited the dalits. The non-brahmins (a few influential communities) remained ruling class, exploiting class all through history. The Brahmins are only a scape goat. The British and a few Non-Tamils have created the divde and sucessfully planted mutual mistrust among Tamil communities. If we are honest we can educate all our children, give them respect and progress.

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