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Not the whole truth
by Ramaswamy E on May 02, 2007 10:36 AM

The Nazi policy was 'Keep on repeating a lie and it becomes the truth'.
The policy of the followers of EVR is 'Keep telling part truth and it becomes the whole truth'.
By harping on social discrimination practised by Brahmins they are erasing all memories of the atrocities committed by Tamil Caste Non-Brahmins against Dalits (especially the landlord and business communities - many of these communities are today claiming OBC status!!!) For centuries untouchability has been practised by all castes against Dalits - but EVR started his movement in protest against the feeding of Brahmin children separately in the orphanage run by VVS Iyer NOT BECAUSE of the plight of Dalits.
And a film on 'Periyar' which does not include the Salem 'enlightenment' campaign in which hoardings of NUDE Hindu Deities in carnal posture, and the garlanding of idols of deities with slippers etc , the sudden attacks on Brahmin ladies in Tuticorin (in 1954 or thereabout) points to the duplicity of the producer and the sponsors who are trying to portray an incomplete picture of the man! In many of his political speeches (especially when addressing Muslims in Tamilnadu & offering to be their leader) EVR also said that Gandhi was not even equal to the dust on Jinnah's feet. These are significant points that cant be left out in any honest portrayal of the man.


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'Nobody can be like Periyar'