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Materialism!! and Bhraminism.
by Vivekanand Venkataraman on May 16, 2007 07:07 PM

Materilaism... is never the case of a real Bhramin. You can just count a handful of Bhramins whom you can say have amassed wealth to great standards. They are in general people who are very self contented and tfy to live a very desciplined life. and again this is not dravidian Philosophy which we are talking about and Hindusim cannot actually be defined as a religion.. it is a way of living..

The Gita says that anyone can become a Bhramin and no one is bhramin by birth.. its his way of living and karmas which make him one...

All attacks are against bhramins because most of them are wise enough to find out what os right and wrong and dont really fight out things if they feel the other persons work doesnt make any sense,

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'Nobody can be like Periyar'