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India is not Yugoslavia for God Sake!!!!!!
by Akash on May 02, 2007 09:49 AM

To all Brahmin Bashers and Similarly to all SC/ST/OBC Bashers as well as to religion bashers such as Hindu Bashers, Muslims Bashers, Christian Bashers etc. and caste bashers . To all Hindi Speaking Bashers as well as to all Tamil Speaking Bashers as well as to all other regional language speaking bashers
To all religious chauvinists, to all caste chauvinists, to all linguistic chauvinists,to all regional chauvinists.....



This isn't the land of Slobodan Milosovic, don't make it one!!!!

I know some people want to keep on abusing others and want to get away with it and if somehow someone complains then they try to stop him from doing so or shout him down similar to Hitler's SS. It is just one example of the nazification/talibanization/balkanization this country is heading towards.
People here are targeting communities believing what great service they do to their kins not realizing that targeting any community in itself is a great disservice to the country and to their community itself.I don't want my country to have several partitions on communal,casteist and linguistic-regional lines, but with all this going on, I can only look in dismay as to what my country is slowly turning into. A great disservice to the country is being done by this balkanization process and seems loyalties from India have now narrowed down to local affiliations,there seems to be no patriotism left!!!! It just seems to be a Feudal structure waiting to erupt similar to what happened in 47!! Shame on all those who think what great deeds they do by abusing people, those who think that their local loyalties are far greater than this country and that the country can be compromised at any cost to fulfill their wishes and give vent to their prejudices.If you have any sanity left, come to your senses!!!!

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