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Did the Barhmins get the posts due to Reservation ?
by G Subramanian on May 10, 2007 08:50 AM

you say
"His question was, why should 97 per cent of the people be under 3 per cent? The condition in 1925 was, out of the 23 gazetted officers from Tamil Nadu, 22 were Brahmins. Out of the 7,680 doctors and advocates, 5,452 were Brahmins. So, his question was, why should 3 per cent occupy more than 80 per cent of the posts? What was the social life of the 97 per cent?"
Did the Brahmins get those posts because the British gave them 69% reservation ??? NO they got it on their MERIT

The answer is obvious - "Periyar" with "ROYAL" background and "Debonair upbringing" can study only upto 4th standard will tell all his problems are due to "Brahmin domination" who's mistake is that ?? Is it due to "Brahminism" ???

This is the true status where the so called "Backward" people who with all their wealth and might cannot study properly and want reservation to get qualified without proper merit.

Now they want this poison injected all over India

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'Nobody can be like Periyar'