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Accountability for Builders & Realty Brokers- Crackdown Reqd
by Wepoorindians on Feb 08, 2010 10:25 PM

Instead of increasing the real purchasing power of common men, Govt tried to enslave them by encouraging their habbit of purchasing non-essentials items like Car, Mobile, Laptop by the route of loan to help Banks to rob them on their failure to pay the dues in times.
Instead of reducing House rental or price, Govt asked Banks to offer house seekers a loan and then appropriate their property on loan payment default.
We have not learnt from our forefathers that earlier Zamindars used to squeeze farmers by lending loan at abnormal interest rate. Banks are the old face of Zamindars and we poor or middle class indians are the face of destute farmers. Old tradition of humiliating and exploiting farmers is still existing. India has not come of age but learn to live in past.

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