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by No One on Feb 26, 2009 01:20 PM

I can see u all r very much annoyed with DIDI. Maybe u r a bong like me . It is undoubtedly a loss of huge magnitude to West Bengal ... it would take a few decades to overcome it and get back investors . But still I would say , lets not think that DIDI has not taken any lessons from this sad episode. Since she is the only opposition West Bengal has politically , lets only hope that she or other party leaders do not repeat this mistake ever. In the eve of the coming LS elections lets give a call for construction of modern India ... and shun all destructive practices . E.g. if DIDI wants an upliftment of the farmers I believe she can very well organise a constructive movement to see that every inch of cultivable land gets maximum yield thereby pulling the poor masses from poverty line ... like Punjab n Haryana . I guess this was the essence of Mr Ratan Tata's open letter to Bengal as well.

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