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Income Tax Refund
by Rahul S on Apr 08, 2009 05:18 PM

My returns for the Financial Year 2005-06 were filed, where my CA had determined a refund of approx. Rs. 4000/- odd. It is 4 years now & there is no sign of it!
Actually, one should not expect anything from our Govt. It is just a one way window! Productive Indian Public have been paying all sort of taxes - on income and on purchase of products (taxes & surcharges levied from manufacturing to selling), to feed the unproductive & lazy people who want to enjoy all the luxuries of life without hard-work; or shall I say - without any work. Besides they are enjoying good positions because of biased govt. policies (reservation, etc) whereby inspite of not even being eligible they draw salaries from 2 sources - one the official and two from under the table.
As if all this was less, the service tax was introduced which was really back-breaking! And then the Toll Tax! The Govt. show to us the tax structures of other countries; but they fail in giving back the benefits, the way these countries do! I fail to understand where these crores of rupees go to! Inspite of having more than 1 billion population, Indian economy is always in a deficit! Reason: corruption, corruption and corruption! May God bless all the Hard-Working Indians, so that they can satisfy their hungry & lazy counterparts.

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