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you forgot one most imp thing
by rohit singh on Apr 15, 2007 11:04 PM

make your managers competitive...i agree with the fact that more than 80% of people leave because of the incompetency of their immediate managers.

companies like infosys,tcs,wipro have grown so fast that they didnt had the option to choose whome to promote and whome to not. the result being everyone got promoted even if they are the worst among the lot.

then thers the fact that a person doesnt leave the company if hes not competent enuf to try for other companies. and the result is that all good people leave and all rotten ones are left out drying the talent pool.......

i cant ever understand why the companies never think about these things. i had to leave my previous company because all my immediate manager saw was the $ amount on my head. he never cared about my personal life and ambitions...and lies were all what he gave me..

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