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RE:More employees means more attrition
by Baudhayan Lahiri on Apr 11, 2007 01:18 PM

Lets not differentiate between Banking, IT or for that matter any other Sector. Any top Indian company which recruits in masses is bound to have high attrition rate. The attrition rates disclosed to media is way below the actualy figures. The main reason behind high attrition for such companies is that they don't value their staff. They think that if you resign there are 100 people behind you who are ready to join such big brands. They forget the fact that they are loosing precious talent from their company. Also current day managers are not at all effective to appreciate their high performing team members for their achievements & also recommending a different growth path for high performers. This tendency of attrition will continue until the big names start recognising their high performers & provide them higher growth path.

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Golden rules to retain staff