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Tamil vs. Hindi
by Jaihind Bharath on Apr 19, 2009 01:39 PM

I think everyone of us making mockery out of this issue. No one can deny a fact that the tamilians are afraid to take jobs outside Tamil Nadu due to the bare fact that they do not know Hindi.Due to this,Tamils have been losing many job opportunities.When ever Tamils go to northern state without fear(not knowing Hindi) for a job,they pick up Hindi very fast and start mingling with other people. But, these people are few...perhaps only forward community who normally has guts to experiment things and thrive hard for establishing them for their future. This is also due to non-availability (lot of reservation) of employment opportunities for FCs such as Brahmins in Tamil Nadu. Tamil is of course the oldest language only next to Sanskrit. No doubt. But, what stopping us from learning Hindi which is being spoken and understood by almost 75% of the Indian population?...more over it will increase our career opportunities elsewhere. More over, if you know Hindi, you can translate your good things in Tamil in Hindi and you can spread the niceties of Tamil Language to Hindi World, thereby you do great service to your Mother tounge-Tamil. Karunanidhi and Dravidian parties spoiled the past two generations snatching away the opportunities to learn Hindi so far. The Great Leader,the Southern-Gandhi, Shri.Rajaji had far right long term vision to introduce Hindi to the curriculam, but these hooligans never allowed and had not understood and used it as opportunity to bring the congress down.

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