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Re: Rohit The Great Sleeper
by girishkumar joshi on Mar 15, 2009 10:02 PM

Dear Friend

I think you are berating a strong future potential. It happens to everybody. The odds were against the poor lad so he couldnt score. Unfortunately there was no support coming from the other end. Let us not forget his memorable contribution during the World Cup 20-20 Final in South Africa. Had he not scored those runs we would have lost the game. Every player is important in his own way... They are human beings and humans do err once in a while. I think even Yuvraj fell early and so did Dhoni it didnt stop there and wickets fell like nine pins.

I think this team is a dream team a juggernaut even deadlier than the mighty Aussies... Even the Aussies faltered during there glorius golden years.

So let us not criticise are target a player merely on his one bad performance.

Just wait and watch this lad has enough mettle to take the reigns from Dravid once he bids adieu to the game...

Lets have patience and give them a fair chance to prove their strength.....

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