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Vishy - The Supreme Artist
by sudip majumder on Feb 13, 2009 12:33 AM

Just thought to pen a couple of lines to pay my own homage to this artist. I am from Bengal. In Bengal, for at least two generations, Vishy remains the penultimate artist cricket could ever have. Things changed a bit after Azahar and Ganguly BUT Vishy till today remains supremely etched to the core of every Bengalees of at least TWO generation (my dad as well mine). Those days, the favorite pass time used to be who was the greatest Vishy or Sunny and the answer was invariably in Vishy’s favor. No cricket loving Indians of that generation would ever forget the 138 in Eden and followed by 95 or something at Cheepak against the mightiest West Indians of Lloyds/Richards/Kalicharan/Roberts/Gibbs (arguably; the strongest team with an unbelievable skill ever visited India). There was a time when the then CM of Bengal [Siddhartha Ray] "jumped" the fence literally at Eden and "ran" to the pitch to hug Vishy on the field; there was a time when President of India [Fakruddin Ali Ahmed] “forgot” his “position” and end up asking for Vishy’s autograph on his presidential “Jawhar coat” . That was the magic of Vishy. There was a time when tons of budding cricketers like us tried their best to mimic the silky wristy square cut and spoilt their career opportunity for ever. There was a time when tons of budding poets in Bengal created rhymes with Vishy. Not to mention, the makers of Vishy’s favorite Sandesh & MistiDoi simply “re-branded%

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