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Germans demand killing of octopus Paul

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vivek reddy
It's an animal rights violation
by vivek reddy on Jul 11, 2010 09:43 PM

What connection is there between Psychic Octopus and World Football Cup. Does the poor
octopus know anything of the Football. And imprisoning the poor Octopus is clearly an
animal rights Violation.

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policy maker
Paul's prediction
by policy maker on Jul 09, 2010 09:25 PM

Now that Germans are furious with Paul and they are demanding its death, can Paul the Psyichic Octopus predict its own future?

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octopus paul
by franky on Jul 09, 2010 08:41 PM

i dont think he ever ate food from the left hand side box
he is now used to eat food kept on the right hand side
spain never played a togh oponent cos the sun is smiling on them
they r lucky like never b4
their performance was much better in euro 2006

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by MAHESH UBHAYAKAR on Jul 09, 2010 08:16 PM

To think we Indians are branded superstitious and silly. These comments portray German fans in poor light. Grossly stupid.

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amal deo
by amal deo on Jul 09, 2010 05:12 PM

I read all the comments, but WHY is there nothing against Muslims? In my experience, ANY subject on earth becomes an anti-muslim subject once rediff readers get involved.

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Job KK
by Job KK on Jul 09, 2010 04:51 PM

Why German people are depending on Octopus for winning their game? I think they are not concentrating on their game and concentrating the prediction of a water creature.

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Invisible dimensionless
Pity for Octo :)
by Invisible dimensionless on Jul 09, 2010 03:42 PM

Octo just did wat it was suppose to.
If germans want to fire than they shall fire german team n coach who were on the ground that day:) n lost convincingly...Y this 8-legged freaky creature :)

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Abhi Bhat
Germany and doc-oc have some things in common
by Abhi Bhat on Jul 09, 2010 12:53 PM  | Hide replies

Germany and doc-oc have things in common.
Both have lots of suckers.
Both cannot play soccer.
Both think they know future.

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Re: Germany and doc-oc have some things in common
by axemanaxeman on Jul 09, 2010 01:08 PM
Only an Indian whose country is 130th rank in world soccer has the intelligence to comment that Germans cant play soccer.

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Abhi Bhat
Re: Re: Germany and doc-oc have some things in common
by Abhi Bhat on Jul 09, 2010 01:13 PM
sorry apeman, i meant to say both lack sportsmanship

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Abhi Bhat
Re: Germany and doc-oc have some things in common
by Abhi Bhat on Jul 09, 2010 12:59 PM
See St.Octopaul thought about his country's future so he is in trouble. Had he thot of his own future he wud have picked german win.
So I think St.Octopaul should be India's PM. He will make decisions thinking about country's future. Not his own future - like our present PM does.

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Kempt Killer
Nothing such will happen
by Kempt Killer on Jul 09, 2010 12:52 PM

Nothing such will happen for us. They are just showing the anger, redif had put it as a news so that we can post messages in the discussion board and then are ads coming in the right hand side corner. enjoy them.

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by SRIDHAR RAGHUNATHARAO on Jul 09, 2010 12:41 PM

What did poor creature Paul the octopus did? It's sheerly our belief and interpretation and we forget that Paul was also wrong in about 25% of the forecasts. It's very important that we should ban publicising of such soothsaying as it shakes the confidence and psychology of players..

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