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''Paes''s cyst common infection''

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Vikas Potdar
Get well soon
by Vikas Potdar on Aug 22, 2003 09:14 AM

Paes is India's star!! He must get well soon.

I will pray for him.


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leanders brain cyst
by shveta on Aug 22, 2003 08:30 AM

laenders down with the cyst and wouldnot enter the tournament but wht abt mahesh bhupati....wiull he not participate??????/

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Joseph Matcha
Get Well Soon Leander
by Joseph Matcha on Aug 22, 2003 02:17 AM

I sincerely pray and hope Leander gets well soon and comes back to Circuit with rejuvenated health and vigorating power. He's a live wire in Indian sporting history and I pray that God give him complete health and let him scale new heights in his career and make India proud. MD Anderson Cancer Hospital, Houston is one of the most advanced hospitals in the USA and for that matter in the world and hope he is in the safe hands of the doctors there.

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Good Luck
by K.R.Sridhar on Aug 21, 2003 11:49 PM

Phew ! What a relief.Prayers are answered after all...Sridhar

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Praying for Paes
by Anubkumar on Aug 21, 2003 11:42 PM

There will be nothing serious to Paes.

India is a country of mixed religion. So our prayers will not go in vain. Paes will get well soon, and there will not be anything serious for him.

May I request all our rediff friends to pray for our beloved dearest Paes to get well soon in their respective religion.

"Paes U will be alright by friend. U will be no. 1 in Tennis. I and my family keeping on praying for u. Come on cheer up and come and touch this sacred soil (India)".


Anub D Kumar

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