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venkatachalam varadarajan
cheap publicity by trupthi desai
by venkatachalam varadarajan on Nov 16, 2018 10:04 AM  | Hide replies

Her intention is break the customs of Hindus
She has not come with irumudi also she has come like as if it is picnic

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Re: cheap publicity by trupthi desai
by on Nov 16, 2018 10:10 AM
Fully agree with you. She cannot climb the holy 18 steps without irumudi.

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Sandeep Singh
Re: cheap publicity by trupthi desai
by Sandeep Singh on Nov 16, 2018 10:20 AM
She is an athiest!! wants to just challenge religious rituals. She had never visited Sabarimala before and will never do it again in future...

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Ahi Sen
Re: cheap publicity by trupthi desai
by Ahi Sen on Nov 16, 2018 10:58 AM
How any woman can be debarred from entering a religious place only because she might be between the age group of 10 to 50? This is only created to discriminate the people between male and female. Whether all the men are purer than those women? The constitution of the country should be allowed to prevail in every inch of the Country i.e. Bharat.

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Ramana Murthy
Sabarimala darshan
by Ramana Murthy on Nov 16, 2018 10:04 AM  | Hide replies

I feel even the Supreme Court should not interfere in the matters of faith. They are issues beyond proof. It is an age old custom and not for the sake of Desai, customs should not be changed. If Desai is so particular of having Lord Ayyappa Darshan, she can do after 50 years. Unfortunately for the craze of few individuals, why hurt the sentiments of crores of people. Is it really good, Ms.Desai should think

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Sandeep Singh
Re: Sabarimala darshan
by Sandeep Singh on Nov 16, 2018 10:22 AM
She has egoistic attitude, won't take your advice!!!

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Ramana Murthy
Sabarimala darshan
by Ramana Murthy on Nov 16, 2018 10:04 AM  | Hide replies

I feel even the Supreme Court should not interfere in the matters of faith. They are issues beyond proof. It is an age old custom and not for the sake of Desai, customs should not be changed. If Desai is so particular of having Lord Ayyappa Darshan, she can do after 50 years. Unfortunately for the craze of few individuals, why hurt the sentiments of crores of people. Is it really good, Ms.Desai should think

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Re: Sabarimala darshan
by grahana on Nov 16, 2018 10:10 AM
well said brother. i agree with you.

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Sandeep Singh
Re: Re: Sabarimala darshan
by Sandeep Singh on Nov 16, 2018 10:22 AM
Me too!!!

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Ramana Murthy
Sabarimala darshan
by Ramana Murthy on Nov 16, 2018 10:03 AM  | Hide replies

I feel even the Supreme Court should not interfere in the matters of faith. They are issues beyond proof. It is an age old custom and not for the sake of Desai, customs should not be changed. If Desai is so particular of having Lord Ayyappa Darshan, she can do after 50 years. Unfortunately for the craze of few individuals, why hurt the sentiments of crores of people. Is it really good, Ms.Desai should think

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Ramanath Babu
Do not kill her
by Ramanath Babu on Nov 16, 2018 10:02 AM

Do not kill her, but broke her both legs so that she will be on bed for next two months

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manoj  chakka
by manoj chakka on Nov 16, 2018 09:37 AM  | Hide replies

First thing President of India to dismiss Kerala Govt for creating unnecessary disturbances in Sabarimala Temple Issues.

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by P S SHAH on Nov 16, 2018 09:48 AM
No one can dismiss any elected government without any proper reasons.The President do not have power to act on his own without a report from the governor of the state about law and order situation.The law and order situation there is not as bad as described by you. The government of Kerala is duty bound to implement the verdict of Supreme court and is in no way responsible for disturbance created by the devotees and other political parties .

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manoj  chakka
by manoj chakka on Nov 16, 2018 09:55 AM
Then yesterday why Kerala Govt can't able to convenience all other political parties in meeting. It means Kerala Govt wants act on their own with out taking feelings & sentiments of all other people & political parties.

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by grahana on Nov 16, 2018 10:06 AM
Kerala chief minister pinarayi vijayan is a branthu patti. thats it & its final

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by piri on Nov 16, 2018 10:07 AM

Hey dumbo, the Kerala govt, like any other govt is bound by the constitution to implement the SC verdict !

The Kerala govt has not made any move so far to invite or transport young women to the temple (unlike what BJP politicians in Kerala have been implying without saying so directly) !

But, if a woman approaches the govt seeking safe travel to the temple for worship, the govt has absolutely no option but to offer assistance ! Else, a contempt of court petition can be filed in the SC.

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by P S SHAH on Nov 16, 2018 10:09 AM
Kerala government didnt expected such protest from the devotees and people of kerala. The devotees and protesters outnumber the police force. May be due to political compulsion the government do not like to take a very hard stand against the protesters. If they really wanted to implement the verdict of Apex court, they could have treated the protesters strictly as per the law.Do Congress has guts and courage to say that they are in favour of entry of women in Sabrimala temple ? Every one are thinking about their political advantage and behave accordingly.

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by piri on Nov 16, 2018 10:00 AM


Begun to see reason ?

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by P S SHAH on Nov 16, 2018 10:12 AM

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Santosh Iyer
Trouble maker
by Santosh Iyer on Nov 16, 2018 09:35 AM  | Hide replies

Trupti Desai is not a devotee but a trouble maker and cheap publicity seeker. Who is financing her ? Why is the Kerala Govt. not taking action against her. They were quick to take action against peaceful protesters at Sabarimala, arresting over 3000 people.

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Re: Trouble maker
by P S SHAH on Nov 16, 2018 09:38 AM
This lady is a fake devotee a known mischief maker and always want to remain in limelight. If she really have an intention to visit Sabrimala, why she inform and announce about her visit to every one instead of trying to visit secretly ?

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manoj  chakka
by manoj chakka on Nov 16, 2018 09:35 AM

It seems Kerala State Government dont have any other work. Unnecessarily creating disturbances by interfering in unwanted thins.

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