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'Jauhar was a way of winning the war'

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col arun
Seeti baji he nahi
by col arun on Feb 09, 2018 09:03 PM  | Hide replies

You have done the greatest diservice to the House of Mewar by shaking of backside.as for the creative KHILJI BHANSALI the less said the better. Why will you not feel empowered etc when you have picked up crores for shaking your anatomy to invite hordes of whistles. Please do have the guts to shake as Ayesha too. I spit on you being a true history buff. Not khilji bhansali history.

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Re: Seeti baji he nahi
by piri on Feb 12, 2018 12:03 AM
Both Khilji and the so called house of Mewar were looters and exploiters of common people !

Both were low life thieves and murderers !
No difference between them at

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Re: Seeti baji he nahi
by piri on Feb 12, 2018 12:10 AM
Both Khilji and the so called house of Mewar were looters and exploiters of common people !

Both were low life thieves and murderers !
No difference between them at

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Sumit Kudesia
by Sumit Kudesia on Feb 05, 2018 11:04 PM  | Hide replies

I thought it was suicide

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Intel Midfield
Re: really
by Intel Midfield on Feb 10, 2018 06:59 PM
Now we'll be taught by these illiterete pros

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Sandeep Singh
Jauhar- the most glorified act
by Sandeep Singh on Feb 05, 2018 05:02 PM  | Hide replies

I am condemn those oppose glorification of this act being shown in this movie. Such persons are incapable to understand women were liable to be captured for perpetual sex slavery if their menfolk challenged a muslim military leader in a war..

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ravinder  patwal
Re: Jauhar- the most glorified act
by ravinder patwal on Feb 11, 2018 03:09 PM
Please read history again.. jauhar decision was totally taken by women , not any men enforce

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Sandeep Singh
Jauhar- the most glorified act
by Sandeep Singh on Feb 05, 2018 05:01 PM

I am condemn those oppose glorification of this act being shown in this movie. Such persons are incapable to understand women were liable to be captured for perpetual sex slavery if their menfolk challenged a muslim military leader in a war..

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Diptarup Kahali
by Diptarup Kahali on Feb 05, 2018 04:11 PM  | Hide replies

Even if it is periodic drama you cannot glorify Jauhar or Sati. That means any woman who is in fear of being raped should suicide! Deepika is just overhyped at present with some media chamchas around her.

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War would never be won by dying.
by Raja on Feb 05, 2018 12:06 PM  | Hide replies

Mind blowing cinematographic extravaganza.

But, no war was and never be won by dying.

Wars are won by fighting, any war social or field.

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Inzy Bhai
Re: War would never be won by dying.
by Inzy Bhai on Feb 05, 2018 02:07 PM
Rajputs are the biggest losers in history no wonder they chose the easy option of committing Jauhar so that they need not be slain. A bunch of gutless individuals who only indulged in posturing rather than fighting. Their valour & bravery is a figment of imagination.

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Sandeep Singh
Re: Re: War would never be won by dying.
by Sandeep Singh on Feb 05, 2018 04:52 PM
Your ancestors were the most cruel and shameless, they would have been captured for sex slavery if they had surrendered alive!!!

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Intel Midfield
Re: Re: Re: War would never be won by dying.
by Intel Midfield on Feb 10, 2018 07:02 PM
They were not the ancesotrs of altest this Injy, he elongs to 1st line of coward Indoos who choose to convert rather than dying with pride. This Bhai is still wearing this shame on his head and considering it crown..lonce a loser always a loser

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ravinder patwal
Re: Re: War would never be won by dying.
by ravinder patwal on Feb 11, 2018 03:12 PM
your ancestor are very brave, because you all are hindu & converted, check your DNA., Now the rajputs are so brave that even ur akbar appraise maharana pratap.. Many Muslims rulers are very cruel & they forced their religion here..They have no dignity like ur khilji was big fraud & cheater..This is the land of scarifice..

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ravinder patwal
Re: Re: War would never be won by dying.
by ravinder patwal on Feb 11, 2018 03:14 PM
your ancestor are very brave, because you all are hindu & converted, check your DNA., Now the rajputs are so brave that even ur akbar appraise maharana pratap.. Many Muslims rulers are very cruel & they forced their religion here..They have no dignity like ur khilji was big fraud & cheater..This is the land of scarifice..

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CA Vijay Bhageria
Re: War would never be won by dying.
by CA Vijay Bhageria on Feb 06, 2018 02:26 PM
Agree that no war can be won by dying but in this case ratan singh lost battle and for ladies, they were very less against khilaji sena.. further most of ladies were just normal house wife so it was impossible for the to fight with khilaji sena..can u suggest what they should have done

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Intel Midfield
Re: Re: War would never be won by dying.
by Intel Midfield on Feb 10, 2018 07:08 PM
The history is all known how divided and jelos Indoo kings made this country slave to MC Pizlamist

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