The film is based on supreme inherent girl power that requires small small support and motivation to kick off. A must watch for young girls as it teaches to feel ones positive energy. Its a nice plot, however the actions could have been better there it lacks only.
The film is based on supreme inherent girl power that requires small small support and motivation to kick off. A must watch for young girls as it teaches to feel ones positive energy. Its a nice plot, however the actions could have been better there it lacks only.
The film is based on supreme inherent girl power that requires small small support and motivation to kick off. A must watch for young girls as it teaches to feel ones positive energy. Its a nice plot, however the actions could have been better there it lacks only.
Iwatched Naam Shabana- didn't bore 4 a single minute. seems as if i were part of the team to help her. those who have got training, even very little for self defence, must like to replace Tapsee with him / her. very much proud to say " IRON LADY OF INDIA".
Iwatched Naam Shabana- didn't bore 4 a single minute. seems as if i were part of the team to help her. those who have got training, even very little for self defence, must like to replace Tapsee with him / her. very much proud to say " IRON LADY OF INDIA".