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Review: Captain America: Civil War is the stuff of comic-book dreams

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by srimanta on May 07, 2016 09:32 PM  | Hide replies

Raja sen giving an ENGLISH movie 5 stars its like Rahul Gandhi saying Modi is the best PM!!!

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Subroto Neogi
Re: unexpected
by Subroto Neogi on May 09, 2016 04:40 PM
...and as predictable as hobos criticking things they can't appreciate.

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pyarelal laxmikant
by pyarelal laxmikant on May 06, 2016 03:06 PM  | Hide replies

...Even We Give Up.


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Subroto Neogi
by Subroto Neogi on May 09, 2016 04:41 PM
Since when have you migrated to America pyare? I thought that was for 'anti-national' people like Aamir Khan.

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Tameem Saied
Excellent Review
by Tameem Saied on May 06, 2016 02:39 PM  | Hide replies

One of the best reviews ever written by Mr Raja Sen.

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Subroto Neogi
Re: Excellent Review
by Subroto Neogi on May 09, 2016 04:41 PM
Second that. If only the ignorant crybabies could understand that.

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Sushil Chander
by Sushil Chander on May 06, 2016 02:06 PM  | Hide replies

Mr. Sen, sir please write a review which poor ignoramuses like me can understand. Much of your writing goes over the top. Frank opinion. Humble feedback. Thanks

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Rahul Pathak
Re: aiya
by Rahul Pathak on May 06, 2016 03:13 PM
I fully agree on this. His heavy words never give clear idea of film and what he wants to comment. May be using those to show himself superior to us who know few bombastic English words!! Hollywood releasing movies in India dubbed in Hindi and this guy is still writes something even he may not understand....

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Rahul Pathak
Re: aiya
by Rahul Pathak on May 06, 2016 03:13 PM
I fully agree on this. His heavy words never give clear idea of film and what he wants to comment. May be using those to show himself superior to us who know few bombastic English words!! Hollywood releasing movies in India dubbed in Hindi and this guy is still writes something even he may not understand....

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Subroto Neogi
Re: Re: aiya
by Subroto Neogi on May 09, 2016 04:45 PM
@Sushil&Rahul Mr Sen has an encyclopaedic knowledge of movies. Please show appreciation for films outside Bollywood - trust me you will magically start seeing sense. And please stop whining like stubborn kids locked up by their mummies.

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