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The A to Z of Shah Rukh Khan

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hanumantha rao
secularism for khan
by hanumantha rao on Nov 03, 2015 12:11 PM

Shahruk khan insisting secularism to be strengthen in India. its good

why not same secularism is not implemented in Pakistan, USA, & other countries. why Mr.Khan silent ?

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What a Fallacy!!
by MILON SANYAL on Nov 02, 2015 11:15 AM

There is a difference of publicity & respect. Instead of publishing the A2Z of SRK,it would be more appropriate for the media to publicize what SRK has given back to the society(other than entertainment),I mean as philanthropic activities..like Bill gates,Warren Buffet or even J R D Tata ...SRK will get more respect as a person that way..But SRK may say,Who cares??? It is MONEY,MONEY,MONEY....

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nitin sharma
by nitin sharma on Oct 28, 2015 08:36 PM

Now this is the new way of publicity before the release of film,he should not do such kind of things but he is doing so as public move on from srk to sallu.

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J Arora
by J Arora on Oct 27, 2015 04:24 PM


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