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PIX: Shah Rukh and the SLAM! tour go to Chicago!

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by abcd on Sep 29, 2014 05:04 PM  | Hide replies

So there are enough dumb ppl in Chicago who will pay to watching aging stars likeSRK and silly ones like Sony sood

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Choonia Mayini
Re: ok
by Choonia Mayini on Oct 24, 2014 04:30 PM
It is time to BAN all tamil, karnataka, andhra, kerala and Bollywood movies and other Movies since THEY USE WOMEN AND GIRLS ONLY AS SEXXX OBJECTS ONLY and in all of them the heroes do open eve-teasing moilestations and dirty dancing and mislead millions and millions of youth as well as adults and even old age people to THINK THAT IS IS OK TO TEASE AND MOLEST GIRLS AND WOMEN AND THAT IT IS FUN TO PLA WITH GIRLS AND WOMEN,ETC and that is why eve-teading molestations and rapes have become so common now too! Similarly all dances involving stnatily dressed women and girls and provoactve dances with men and boys must be BANNED IN ALL TV CHANNELS TOO to prevent hindustan becoming a rapesstan too! what a shame that we HAVE SUCH USLESS CENSOR BOARD WHOSE MEMBERS ARE UNDER PAY RIOLL OF UNSCRUPULOPIYS FILM PRODUCERS AND MONEYT MERCHANTS AND THEY APPROVE ALLWORTHLESS FILS WITH DIRTY DACINGS AS GOOD FOR PUBLIC VIEWING,ETC,ETC, what a shame! Hope Modiji government take a tough stance against all these shwllow and useless bollyuwoood and regional maguage films immediately AND DISBAND THE USELESS CENSOR BORAD WHOSE MEMBERS ARE ACTING AS AGENTS OF FILM PRODUCERS AND MONEY MINTING LOBBY! what a shame!

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Shailendra Singh
by Shailendra Singh on Sep 29, 2014 12:46 PM  | Hide replies

It is nice to see Shah Rukh also celebrating Modi's visit to the US of A!

It is always nice to see Congress Party supporters step out of their "comfort zone" and appreciate the success of Congress Party's arch rival!

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Sunil Bhandari
Re: Nice
by Sunil Bhandari on Sep 29, 2014 01:24 PM
Why SRK not perform in madison for PM of India

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Shailendra Singh
Re: Re: Nice
by Shailendra Singh on Sep 29, 2014 03:29 PM


Because no way in 10 lifetimes can Shah Rukh compete with Modi's charisma!

Shah Rukh knows this and that is why he only performed in Chicago!

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Opinionated Man
Re: Nice
by Opinionated Man on Sep 29, 2014 01:58 PM
Such a dumb comment!!!

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Pat Thakur
Re: Re: Nice
by Pat Thakur on Sep 29, 2014 02:54 PM
All the bakery's in USA, beware of SRK..... 'coz wherever this oaf goes, bakery blasts follow.

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Shailendra Singh
Re: Re: Nice
by Shailendra Singh on Sep 29, 2014 03:30 PM

Please explain why this is a dumb comment?

Why is S R K in the US at the same time as Modi?!

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