First of all you learn about India. Most of portions of Himachal people do speak Punjabi fluently. May not use in daily life but yes they do know the language.
Re: In Himachal people do speak Punjabi
by Ramandeep SINGH on May 02, 2014 01:37 PM
hp and delhi were part of punjab. In lower part of himalyan state still punjabi is dilect. upper ranges of himachal speaks pahari langauge. Delhi, don't forget all signs are in english, hindi, punjabi...
Re: In Himachal people do speak Punjabi
by Ingit Saxena on May 02, 2014 12:31 PM
Thats exactly her point. In HP, understand Punjabi but its not as if they always speak in Punjabi. There is a big difference. I live in Delhi and the language in which we communicate is always Hindi, even though in movies its shown that Delhi is all Punjabi