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Exclusive! Madhuri on why she left the US and came home

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Siddhu ism
What a co-incidence
by Siddhu ism on Mar 06, 2014 10:24 PM

Madhuri became a hit back in 90s when India's economy was down..
She is back again now when it is down again to the same level
Let us see what happens in the years to come

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Diya Desai
by Diya Desai on Mar 06, 2014 09:20 PM  | Hide replies

the comments below say a lot about the mentality of our people. Thank goodness they are outnumbered by others who are more open-minded. More power to you Madhuri - you have been back for 2 years or more now and even though some people would like to think the public doesn't want to see you you have proved them wrong. Some people are just sad.

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Re: wow
by Ashes on Mar 07, 2014 12:06 PM
She is justifying her return by claiming that as her parents were feeling homesick , she has to come back . As far as I know , her husband is also the only child in his family . Madhuri is just not married to this person but she is associated with the whole family and their relatives , once she have had decided to marry her husband then in that case she has to severe her ties back to her old family and adopt the new one . What if tomorrow, Sriram says that his parents wants him back in US as they can not look after themselves and they need his help , can Miss nene decide to close everything in india and go back to US ?? ... Answer is NO ( And this should be the answer to watver you ranted in your comment )

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Sameer Bhagwat
Re: wow
by Sameer Bhagwat on Mar 07, 2014 12:33 AM
No one is sad. It would be good to hear the truth, she came back for name and fame and her personal needs and not for anythig else, its so obvious. Dhe was a nobody in the US.

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Because u wanted to feel special everywhere
by Chunilal on Mar 06, 2014 08:05 PM

No one cared when you were in US. No VIP treatment, not 1000s of people ready to behave like slaves....only in INDIA you get that treatment.

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mohammad amin
Madhuri back to India
by mohammad amin on Mar 06, 2014 07:47 PM

In USA she was nobody, expat identity crisis even if one is 1,2,3 Madhuri. In India even after reaching auntiehood she is Madhuri. No identity crisis!!!!. As plain as that.

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Viraf Chinoy
Madhuri - whats the connect?
by Viraf Chinoy on Mar 06, 2014 07:39 PM  | Hide replies

it is utterly bad that stars leave bollywood in their prime & return much after they are past their prime. This is what best describes madhuri. I've nothing personal against her but when she realized that she was a nobody in USA, she returned with husband in tow to Mumbai & wants to restart acting. She can make a dancing school, etc. that is OK. However signing movies, coming on TV Shows & in ads is not done. As other people have said she looks pretty old now & is being treated by everybody (media included) as a big shot. This is really bad. Very few bollywood stars remain humble & down to earth like Big B & AAmir. That's the tragedy. If she starts her school & does not act that is her personal life& its Ok. However seriously she should stop acting in films / on TV. That's just not done. Leave bollywood when want & return similarly That's really not done.

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Re: Madhuri - whats the connect?
by Amit on Mar 06, 2014 07:46 PM
who are u to decide ?

she found after obamacare was launched the high fees charged by doctors was no longer allowed......so she decided to restart her career to make crores for her nautankis.

when ppl are foolish enuf to watch her...why not.

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Re: Madhuri - whats the connect?
by on Mar 07, 2014 08:03 AM
Absolutely right u r.Money she has enough but she was treated as nobody in the U.S. Craze for adulation and identity broughtMadhuri Dixit back the aging but still attractive and lovely actress back.

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Re: Re: Madhuri - whats the connect?
by Ashes on Mar 07, 2014 12:12 PM
There are many examples like Madhuri .. Remember Richa Batra or something , an actress in Virasat Movie , she also got married to Amrikan moonda but after 5-6 months she also came back in search of old fame in modeling .. We have so many such examples .. Fact is these girls think that they can achieve their older glory again , but its not done . people are not fools

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Ramdev baba
by Ramdev baba on Mar 06, 2014 07:27 PM

No one noticed me in Hollywood. I tried to pretend that I'm one of them, but no gave a rats rear...And, I can see that most other actresses do the same and no one notices them, either.

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lax yopr
Its all about money & fame
by lax yopr on Mar 06, 2014 06:39 PM  | Hide replies

In US, nobody cares about her.
She would walk on a street, go to a store like any ordinary person.
In India, she gets treated like a President.
Plus the amount of money actors earn nowadays, is much more than what she earned 15 yrs ago.
Infact, Kapil SHarma must be earning more than what she earned.
Then she saw foreigners like Katrina & Sunny leon going to India & getting rich & famoush.

So, in the end, its the MONEY & FAME which brought her back.

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Kheema Paratha
Re: Its all about money & fame
by Kheema Paratha on Mar 06, 2014 07:09 PM
So whats YOUR problem?

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lax yopr
Re: Re: Its all about money & fame
by lax yopr on Mar 06, 2014 07:28 PM
She is lying... thats what my problem is.
And i hate Bollywood actors who act pricey... unlike Hollywood actors who are modest.
All people with power in India (politicians/actors/police) act as if they are Gods.
I hate that..
Now you know what my problem is...

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Kheema Paratha
Re: Re: Re: Its all about money & fame
by Kheema Paratha on Mar 06, 2014 07:39 PM
Are YOU paying her?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Its all about money & fame
by Ashes on Mar 07, 2014 12:14 PM
Are you Riku Rakeshnath ( her old ex- BF ) ??

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Kheema Paratha
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Its all about money & fame
by Kheema Paratha on Mar 07, 2014 06:07 PM
Fantastic general knowledge I should say !!!

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commercial utilization of talent ...
by dineshhassija on Mar 06, 2014 06:36 PM

one is always comfortable when there is successful commercial utilization of talent and best social life obviously subject to compromises

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lax yopr
She is not 47
by lax yopr on Mar 06, 2014 06:34 PM  | Hide replies

Her mom was 18 at her marriage.
She was married for 63 years.
So her mom must be 81 now.
Madhuri claims she is 47.
So, her mom was 81-47=34 when Madhuri was born.
Her mom got pregnant after 16 yrs of marriage??
Sounds too late !!!
Even assuming she had Madhuri after 10 yrs of marriage; that would put Madhuri's age at 53 yrs.

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radkesh thiwari
Re: She is not 47
by radkesh thiwari on Mar 06, 2014 07:06 PM
Thanks for doing the analysis James Bond.

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Sameer Bhagwat
Re: Re: She is not 47
by Sameer Bhagwat on Mar 07, 2014 12:52 AM
Her mom was married for 63 years when her dad died which was a year back. Meaning 64 years now, that means Madhuri was born when her mom was 35. 17 years after marriage.

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Sameer Bhagwat
Re: Re: She is not 47
by Sameer Bhagwat on Mar 07, 2014 12:58 AM
Another data point, as per Madhuri her parents lived in India for 75 years and then in US for 9 years and then back in India for 2years , meaning 86 years. That means her mom is 86 years old . If Madhuri is 47 then she was born when her mom was 39 years old a good 21 years after marriage.

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Kheema Paratha
Re: She is not 47
by Kheema Paratha on Mar 06, 2014 07:13 PM
Had you applied so much mind in academics, you would have been the dean at Harvard or Stanford.

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lax yopr
Re: Re: She is not 47
by lax yopr on Mar 06, 2014 07:26 PM
Maybe i am in a much better position than you are...

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Kheema Paratha
Re: Re: Re: She is not 47
by Kheema Paratha on Mar 06, 2014 07:40 PM
Maybe............Maybe NOT

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Siddhu ism
Re: Re: Re: She is not 47
by Siddhu ism on Mar 06, 2014 10:18 PM
Yep, I would recommend your name for next president of India!

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Siddhu ism
Re: She is not 47
by Siddhu ism on Mar 06, 2014 10:22 PM
One more simple pointer
She acted in her first movie in 1984
This is after her graduation.. when she was abt 21 yr old perhaps?

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mohit kumar
Re: She is not 47
by mohit kumar on Mar 06, 2014 10:41 PM
WHAT MATHS! looks like u were always in her moms bedroom doing!!!!!

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Sameer Bhagwat
Re: She is not 47
by Sameer Bhagwat on Mar 07, 2014 12:50 AM
Great Math , Madhuris age is now truly exposed

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