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Review: Special Chabbis is an exciting con caper

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by MADHU KHURANA on Feb 19, 2013 03:39 PM  | Hide replies

The ACP who visited the politician's house with Jimmy real or fake??

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Kunal Chandra
Re: .
by Kunal Chandra on Feb 20, 2013 05:18 PM
fake...clearly established in one of the later scenes of the film.

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Logic? ** spoilers in post**
by abhi on Feb 18, 2013 03:42 PM  | Hide replies

Contrary to the review I would say this would have been a good movie if they had managed to somehow avoid or maybe cover-up logical flaws:
1. They were conducting recuitments for CBI with all fake ID cards and stamps in their possession. Why not arrest them on that grounds then and there?
2. The night before final heist, Anupan Kher confesses about being a part of 49 such heists. Why not arrest them on the basis of that confession and wait for them to execute another one? On top of that leak out the secret that they are being watched by CBI and have under cover people in the recruited 26? And then - leave Anupan kher and his accomplices in the hotel unsupervised - to come up with plan b.
3. Jimmy Shergill planted as fake cop was not at all required. Even if it was done for some reason how come no one from real police and CBI figure it out? Whatever happened to the paperwork our beauracracy is notorious for?
4. There was no need to switch the jewellery when you have officers and snipers at the shop!

The only thing they got right was to look for 'chullu bhar pani' at the end. That is the need of the hour for the writers :)

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Kunal Chandra
Re: Logic? ** spoilers in post**
by Kunal Chandra on Feb 20, 2013 05:14 PM
there was no FIR lodged against them by any of the victims....therefore it was NOT possible to arrest them unless caught in the middle of crime. The legal punishment for possessing fake ID cards and passports is a maximum of two years imprisonment, and would in no way prove or act as a deterrent to the larger crime, since there was NO prior FIR against them regarding the actual raids. Most importantly, Jimmy Shergill was not a cop, so his investigation held no judicial weightage whatsoever, the whole thing was a con. The real cops and bureaucracy never came into play precisely because the victims NEVER contacted the police, and all the COPS we see in the film were theatre actors planted by the con men to take advantage of that very situation. Also, there was NO 'plan b', the plan wasn't made after Anupam Kher was caught, it was made WELL BEFORE the heist began. To involve the real CBI in the heist was INTENTIONAL. Jimmy Shergill contacted the real CBI. Remember? Also, show some respect on the writers and facts before dishing out free opinionated 'chullu bhar ka pani'.

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Re: Re: Logic? ** spoilers in post**
by abhi on Feb 26, 2013 12:39 PM
Counterfeiting is a cognizable and non-bailable offence. Per law this does not require an FIR or warrant. Police are empowered to detain a person for inquiry for 24 hrs, file a FIR and then make arrest and present him in court of law. Also Anupam Kher's confession of participating in 49 previous heists is for cognizable offence for which the police does not need an FIR or warrant.

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fareed ahmed
Super Bogus
by fareed ahmed on Feb 15, 2013 12:47 PM  | Hide replies

half the movie is spent people walking here and there and unnecessary song plus no great heist... watched it and regretted a lot

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Devyansh Sharma
Re: Re: Super Bogus
by Devyansh Sharma on Feb 20, 2013 03:49 AM
dude change ur mentality...

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Lakshraj Shetye
1st genuine hit of the year
by Lakshraj Shetye on Feb 13, 2013 09:24 AM

Awesome movie.must must watch

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hvprashanth kumar
good, but few flaws
by hvprashanth kumar on Feb 11, 2013 03:38 PM  | Hide replies

there were however some flaws in the narrative, manoj bajpayee traps anupam kher&tells him, there are some asli cbi agents in ur special 26 team, so dont try to fool us, how come those agents allowed anupam kher to get out of the bus ?

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pratik nidhi bhardwaj.
Re: good, but few flaws
by pratik nidhi bhardwaj. on Feb 11, 2013 05:21 PM
yes you are right.why did not cbi trapped their families.They easily fly from country like dawood ibrahim.Kher and others arranged passport and other document in 1 day.This can only done in bollywood not in reality.

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Re: Re: good, but few flaws
by Raichand on Feb 12, 2013 09:00 PM
Arre guys ....without fir nothing can be done. May be you guys are not aware of this

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hvprashanth kumar
Re: Re: Re: good, but few flaws
by hvprashanth kumar on Feb 13, 2013 01:22 PM
raichand, yes i understood that, manoj bajpayee himself tells in movie, we cannot trap a criminal just because they have planned a crime, they have to execute that& we can catch them red-handed, but my question was everything was working upon manoj bajpayee's plan, anupam kher was in the bus , he has to come to the jewellery shop&try to cheat them, how did the asli cbi agents who were in the bus allow him to get out of the bus when manoj bajpayee had clearly told that anupam kher has to come to jewellery shop&cheat

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: Re: good, but few flaws
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 15, 2013 02:16 PM
when they could not do anything to Akshay and gang, how could they do anything to their families... Only option they had was to catch them red handed, which they tried...

About them vanishing out of India, they were not aware of any such plans... It was VERY SMARTLY shown that Akshay asks Anupam "have u got the flight tickets"... CBI thought they are talking about ticket to Bombay... And obviously Akshay and team knew Anupam's phone was tapped and hence spoke what he wanted CBI to understand...

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: good, but few flaws
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 15, 2013 02:12 PM
@ hvprashant... two reasons:

1. Without Manoj knowing about it (no mobiles those days), they were not authorized to take any such action of stopping Anupam. If they did, entire plan of catching them red handed (otherwise they could not arrest them) would have failed.

2. When even Akshay and other team members were coming in another vehicle, there was no way those two police officers (in special 26 team bus) would have imagined that anupam would not turn up at showroom...

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hvprashanth kumar
Re: Re: good, but few flaws
by hvprashanth kumar on Feb 15, 2013 08:22 PM
I Dont agree to that, agreed that there were no mobiles, but when u have a thief in the bus&he vanishes from the bus for hrs do u think asli cbiwalas cud not do anything, there might have been public phones,they cud have got down from bus

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: Re: Re: good, but few flaws
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 16, 2013 07:54 PM
U missed both my Points...

1. not authorized
2. could not imagine that Anupam wont turn up...

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pradeep nair
some logical errors
by pradeep nair on Feb 11, 2013 09:34 AM  | Hide replies

some logical errors in Special26

1. Fake CBI Interview in a big publicity/ad is not digesting. its not practical and doesnt make any sense.

2. There was no need to trasnfer the golds/jwells from the jwellery to trap the gang, when the gang comming for raid can catch them on the spot , what to do with fake gold.

3. IF that polive officer assist AK and comp. then why he helped CBI by giving Anupam's adress details.

overall good film, but some mistakes

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Re: some logical errors
by HERO NONSENSE on Feb 11, 2013 01:30 PM
Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri robbery, search this in google. In the actual case, the con-men did give an ad in the newspaper and recruited people.

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hvprashanth kumar
Re: some logical errors
by hvprashanth kumar on Feb 11, 2013 03:05 PM
here were howerever some flaws in the narrative, manoj bajpayee traps anupam kher&tells him, there are some asli cbi agents in ur special 26 team, so dont try to fool us, how come those agents allowed anupam kher to get out of the bus ?

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sai swaroop
Re: some logical errors
by sai swaroop on Feb 11, 2013 04:42 PM
yeah v gud movie ......yes some logical errors......why should polcie offcier help him.....if he would not have helped them in finding out anupam kher....police would have never come to know about this mumabi opera house raid....

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: Re: some logical errors
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 15, 2013 02:03 PM
CBI came into action (by putting news in newspaper) when Kolkata scam was reported to them by local police... not by any member of Akshay group...

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: Re: some logical errors
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 15, 2013 02:05 PM
And once they did, Akshay team member helped them in finding anupam kher... Akshay already knew that they can only have one more scam only and hence planned big...

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ajay prasad
Re: some logical errors
by ajay prasad on Feb 11, 2013 10:35 AM
you should consider the time period, it has background of 80s, when no mobile , no internet etc was there, so these mistake which you mentioned is possible.

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Best Message
Re: some logical errors
by Best Message on Feb 11, 2013 10:46 AM

As per story line :

In ad they did not disclose interviews are for CBI.

Yes transfer of gold may be more tightly scripted.

As per the story line, it was the part of their plan for big heist. To leave CBI concentrate on Showroom the workshop was leave as open territory.

Any way I enjoyed.

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: some logical errors
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 15, 2013 02:09 PM
1. Fake Interview advertisement was real and actually happened in 1987. And in that era without any technology, it was not easy to keep eye on everything.

2. Jewellery was replaced by Fake Jewellery as Manoj Bajpayee wanted to catch them after they would have carried out raid and seized the Jewellery. And obviously to avoid any chance of them running away, he replaced them by fake.

3. He gave Anupam's details so that they come to know about the plan and indirectly / unintentionally help them loot double (showroom and workshop)

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Rajeev Kapoor
Re: Re: some logical errors
by Rajeev Kapoor on Feb 15, 2013 02:18 PM
Also they wanted to convey their plant to CBI and for that they let them trace Anupam and tap his phone so that they could convey what they wanted to...

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Re: some logical errors
by Adity on Feb 15, 2013 11:22 AM
freiends we r living i 2013 n its incident of 80 on that time there is lake of education lake of technology and so on and also its true story so whatever happen on that time they show us so dont be extra smart jst enjoy movie if u can otherwise dont be agent Vinod!!!!!!!!!!

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preety sharma
Re: Re: some logical errors
by preety sharma on Jul 14, 2013 02:13 AM
Its a great movie.
Few clarifications-
1. The ad in newspaper said it was for a "Security Agency", not CBI
2. Why do all the people in the posts above think that Anupam Kher's address given to police was real.....obviously it would be fake addrees. People who could get fake CBi documents, could have easily got a phone connection on a fake id. Remember it was Shergill who took out the document with Kher's address.
3. Akshay got CBI involved because he wanted to loot both the shop and workshop together, otherwise how would all the shop jewelry be taken to the workshop.
4. One flaw as mentioned in the post was Peter England Showroom in CP. Peter England entered India only in 1997
5. Another flaw which no one seemed to mention was the clothes of kajal....they were not 80s appropriate fashion i guess.

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ajay kumar
by ajay kumar on Feb 10, 2013 06:05 PM  | Hide replies

ABCD - 4 Stars
Special Chabbis - 3.5 Stars..

Rediff's gone insane... For the kind of movie, direction acting in special chabbis it should get more than 3.5 Stars... And ABCD?? Better than special chabbis?? Not true...

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Pat Thakur
Re: How..??
by Pat Thakur on Feb 11, 2013 11:31 AM
Rankings, Stars, TRP's, Popularities, Likings, Greatness n scores of things in this world are decided by just one thing - Gandhi Patti. Have Money, Buy Anything.....

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manoj bhanja
Re: How..??
by manoj bhanja on Feb 11, 2013 12:25 PM
It is Absolutely correct ABCD better then Special 26 Ex: ABCD no one star cast movie (Special 26 Like: Akshay, Anup, Monoj

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sukhmeet singh
good movie after a long long time
by sukhmeet singh on Feb 10, 2013 10:43 AM  | Hide replies

Special 26 is really special. Saw a good movie ( the climax is really interesting) after a long time. Songs are also nice.
NOTE - ppl who like Race2 and dabangg2 won't digest this one!

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arnab bhattacharya
Re: good movie after a long long time
by arnab bhattacharya on Feb 10, 2013 01:28 PM
it is not good, it is EXCELLENT

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ajay prasad
Re: good movie after a long long time
by ajay prasad on Feb 11, 2013 10:36 AM
I like dabangg2, and special 26 as well, bcoz i watch movie just for entertainment not for psycology

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Re: good movie after a long long time
by Adity on Feb 15, 2013 11:24 AM
i agree

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