Autos are integral part of Mumbai and many mumbaikars are depending on autos for travelling to cater their daily needs to reach destination for day to day work. due to large number of autos, auto union should say thank to people of Mumbai as because of them so many autovalas got opportunity to earn money but instead of thanking, autovals are behaving rudely with passengers and now they are asking to increase fare which is completely unethical and it is a like robbing common people who unfortunately has no option except to travel through auto. Autos are getting enough fare and all autos are CNG based. Which gives average greater than 25 km per Kg. if 33.5 Rs is the rate per Kg and if we check fare for travelling 19 kms in Mumbai,the fare used to come out to be 150 if meter is correct. 75% autos are robbing people by fast metering whose fare may go upto one can easily see the hugh profit percentage, the autovals are earning and there is no absolute necessary to increase fare. Government should think about common man who is already suffering from inflation problem. After seeing above calculation of expense against profit by autos,auto union’s demand to increase fare is completely unethical and they are trying to rob people. Government should not support such unethical demands by autovalas. All passengers should strongly condemn the unethical demand to increase fare by autovalas. The political partys should notsupport these auto unions who are robbing people alr
Re: SV keep your college nostalgia to yourself
by Billu Plumber on Oct 20, 2012 06:46 PM
another SV is Suparn Verma who made classics like ek khiladi ek hassena n ac1d fact0ry. just shows what great sense of film making runs in the family. but any resonably respectful person will be ashamed to see the kind of comments her review is fetching. but when the bone is getting dangled by the big prod houses, who cares really?