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Review: Turning 30 is embarrassing

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Stalin Mendes
by Stalin Mendes on May 24, 2012 06:22 PM

I feel Raja Sen would be better off writing reviews for films like Dabang, Ready, body guard and the other hot cakes in India. clearly you are not a well read person and direction is way out of your understanding. You should stick to masalas; only that will spice up your taste.

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movie about modern women
by chaprasi on Jan 31, 2011 11:37 PM

who has many boyfriends and lovers and sleeps around with them and hopes to find her "true love" and spends lots of money on expensive clothes cosmetics and going to parties and then wonder why they are unmarried and lonely at 30?

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so bore
by naved_haidar@rediffmail.com on Jan 22, 2011 04:29 PM

gul is hot, but movie is chill....

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Arjun Iyer
The film isnt real: You are bang on right there... Mr.Raja Sen
by Arjun Iyer on Jan 18, 2011 01:02 AM  | Hide replies

I agree with the review. Turning 30 mainly caters to a high society audience where live-in relationships & sex are subjects which are public drawing board conversations. Again, who breaks up an engagement for financials reasons.... How stupid a idea was that.... Pick up one character from "Sex and the city" and make a movie out of it... The result you get is "Turning 30!".... The movie just isn't real!

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shweta jain
Re: The film isnt real: You are bang on right there... Mr.Raja Se
by shweta jain on Aug 02, 2011 01:31 PM
i agree it was a bad attempt or i must say indian attempt of sex in the city. makers dont know what life is there in newyork.. just copy the concept and make it desi. awful.

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snehal vaidya
I like Turning 30!!
by snehal vaidya on Jan 17, 2011 03:09 PM

I disagree with your review. I think you have not tried to do any justice & hv placed a personal opinion on a public forum. Dude, this is a movie & just one of the incidents that may or may not relate to ones life. You do not hv to personalize it. This is one of the most immature reviews ever written. The movie was fairly realistic & has depicted events & emotions of what one wud do in a situation like that. The movie has captured the human vulnerability & the desire to find space amongst the cluttered space of mind well. They hv captured how a woman fights against the herd behavior & struggles to find herself & her individuality back.
I seriously do not understand whats the deal with kissing??? Yes its casual & was not unneeded at any moment in the film. It fitted perfect. Yes the gurl does spoon the boy but thats to get her love back.. in a state of a fuzzy mind. Its completely justified.
Chill out, get a break, break the clutter in your mind, think laterally ... its a good one

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snehal vaidya
I like Turning 30!!
by snehal vaidya on Jan 17, 2011 03:03 PM

I disagree with your review. I think you have not tried to do any justice & hv placed a personal opinion on a public forum. Dude, this is a movie & just one of the incidents that may or may not relate to ones life. You do not hv to personalize it. This is one of the most immature reviews ever written. The movie was fairly realistic & has depicted events & emotions of what one wud do in a situation like that. The movie has captured the human vulnerability & the desire to find space amongst the cluttered space of mind well. They hv captured how a woman fights against the herd behavior & struggles to find herself & her individuality back.
I seriously do not understand whats the deal with kissing??? Yes its casual & was not unneeded at any moment in the film. It fitted perfect. Yes the gurl does spoon the boy but thats to get her love back.. in a state of a fuzzy mind. Its completely justified.
Chill out, get a break, break the clutter in your mind, think laterally ... its a good one

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p c
Spot On
by p c on Jan 16, 2011 12:00 PM

Now I'm wary about Turning 30. Bollywood is scrabbling at the bottom of the barrel of creds and creativity, except for snatches of brilliance, which are yet in woeful short supply. At any rate, Raja Sen was spot on with his one line review of No One Killed Jessica. He was right, I ignored it and very soon lamented it.

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zainab jabri
Raja sen sucks!
by zainab jabri on Jan 16, 2011 04:28 AM  | Hide replies

Looks like the movie was in English and Raja Sen is unable to understand it.
Turning 30 is a delightful movie, so much so that we are going to watch it again tomorrow after watching it today.
I also suspect that as he has not got a check from Alankrita for writing a review, he is showing his frustation in public.

Retire Raja Sen. yucks yucks. Aweful review of an awesome movie

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Pat Thakur
Re: Raja sen sucks!
by Pat Thakur on Jan 16, 2011 02:26 PM
What else can you expect from a reviewer writing on a site which itself writes paid reviews (news) for it's Master Central Govt & the Alien Religious Community it supports, thereby sidelining Hindus in their own country.

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