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PRK Reddy
secularism combat and vote bank politics
by PRK Reddy on Mar 06, 2010 03:30 PM

secularism combat and vote bank politics

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Thank you.

PRK Reddy


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why do you people make stupid headlines like these?
by C J on Mar 04, 2010 09:45 PM  | Hide replies

i dont' think you probably realise it, but these types of headlines are actually make sure that people are no longer taking you seriously, and not even reading something that is worth reading.

dont' you know about india tv and ndtv and doordarshan news?

you really need to hire new people

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Re: why do you people make stupid headlines like these?
by wangdu on Mar 05, 2010 12:06 AM
Rediff never claimed to be Associated Press of India. They are just an infotainment site.
So just relax and go with the flow.
If you want news go to each Newspaper homepage.
Also don't bollywood news is just style with no substance

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Piyush Dhangar
Re: why do you people make stupid headlines like these?
by Piyush Dhangar on Mar 05, 2010 09:17 AM
Agree with you Rediff should be more sensible in all senses.

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