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The Unforgettable is not quite so

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bad acting bad acting bad acting
by Guest on Sep 12, 2009 07:19 PM

this movie was so so stiff with lines peformed without any emotion or over the top emotion that i left before the end. it was like a porno, where the script is just a prop for getting the clothes off.

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World Today
What movie?
by World Today on Sep 11, 2009 03:15 PM  | Hide replies

Is this a bollywood movie? doesn't sound like one. Ganesh Nadar should've made a small point about the language, make of the movie.

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jaspreet sagu
Re: What movie?
by jaspreet sagu on Sep 11, 2009 05:20 PM
its an english film made by indian film makers... i just saw it...its a brilliant film...unlike the typical cinema we see....

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Re: What movie?
by iamnotlegend on Sep 11, 2009 04:07 PM
might be an indian english or hindi movie by b grade actors.

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jaspreet sagu
Re: Re: What movie?
by jaspreet sagu on Sep 11, 2009 05:24 PM
the actors arent b grade...they are british actors...who have performed too well...better than some of the bollywood heros and heroines.....go watch it:)

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