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wah wah rajamani ..wonderful
by Kudhikannan on Oct 09, 2009 04:08 PM  | Hide replies

Sniffing is too mild dude, your article stinks ..one is overpowered with the stench from your contrived style of writing. Rajamani writing is not only about words ..content is important. One is overpowered with stench of words put together is such a contrived manner. Also the reference to various kinds of hallucogenic stuff in an attempt to impress does not really cut it. Please go back and reevaluate your approach and style to future articles.

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Re: wah wah rajamani ..wonderful
by Kudhikannan on Oct 09, 2009 04:24 PM
Oh I forgot ... clumsy barman and clumsy writer, what a pair you msut have made!

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