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Shilpa Shetty: Jade Goody made me a star

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feeding off on each other
by Immoralist on Mar 29, 2009 02:01 PM  | Hide replies

thats reality (TV?)

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ravi challa
Re: feeding off on each other
by ravi challa on Mar 30, 2009 12:38 AM

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Jai Bharath
Jai Hind
by Jai Bharath on Mar 28, 2009 03:24 AM  | Hide replies

Proves India will rule the world. See the nice Bollywood movies about Indian values shot in USA and Europe. Now IPL is about Indian teams playing in SA. Hope all the patriotic Indians watch every game so that the nice Mr Modi and his gang of nice rich Indians who make India proud make money while Indians watch on TV. Hope each member of our cricket team gets atleast 12 ads. Isn't it so nice that the rich Bollywood people now also own teams. INDIA INDIA INDIA...the goras can only make movies like SlumDog...Rahman should return his Oscar as he will win more with Subhash Ghai Karan Johar movies as they are true Indians...like the nice Gandhi family...I mean the real Gandhi family..the Nehrus.

Jai Hind

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ravi kumar
Re: Jai Hind
by ravi kumar on Mar 30, 2009 12:37 AM

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ravi kumar
Re: Jai Hind
by ravi kumar on Mar 30, 2009 12:37 AM

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ravi kumar
Re: Jai Hind
by ravi kumar on Mar 30, 2009 12:37 AM
hahahah funny

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diya saxena
Re: Shilpa, YOU ARE NEXT
by diya saxena on Mar 28, 2009 02:32 PM
horrible thinking

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Re: Shilpa, YOU ARE NEXT
by sunshine on Mar 28, 2009 08:14 AM
U bad mouth.. S.::-hame on uuu

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Sameer Bhagwat
Moral of the story
by Sameer Bhagwat on Mar 27, 2009 10:48 PM

Get abused, get famous..

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by Poopa on Mar 27, 2009 05:49 PM  | Hide replies

Hail Shilpa Shetty, Hail Shilpa Shetty o beauty queen,
We are so fortunate to see you preen,
The air that we breath is pure because of you,
We like you, we like you, we really do..

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Raoul Clement
Shilpa, please
by Raoul Clement on Mar 27, 2009 05:16 PM  | Hide replies

Did Shilpa actually spout such drivel? For whose edification? Her fame in the UK came from the effect of her astonishing beauty, poise, intelligence, and dignity upon British TV audiences. The porky Jade provided a boorish, ignorant counterpoint, maybe...but Shilpa would have won the Big Brother contest, anyway.

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iamwatiam ME
Re: Shilpa, please
by iamwatiam ME on Mar 27, 2009 08:15 PM
haha.. you've got to be kiddin.. !!

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Not just fame
by wintersun on Mar 27, 2009 04:11 PM

this lady not just got fame but took bags and bags of money for various shows over there...

shes one among the 'fame-thirsty' bollywoodians out there... !!!

the moment she entered into IPL... haaa the fate took the match out of the country.. haa wat a (un)'lucky' star !!

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