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These brides leave you cold

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bevarsi soolemaga
To old
by bevarsi soolemaga on Jun 12, 2009 05:09 PM  | Hide replies

Anne hathaway was young and pretty in princess Diary....Now she has become old..........she should do only good character roles

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Re: To old
by Indian on Jun 12, 2009 09:30 PM
Check out the hottest beauties of all times at "beautieswelove. bl ogspot .c om"

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Re: Re: To old
by Pinkee on Jun 22, 2009 02:48 PM
she is still pretty!!

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bride wars
by rihanna on Jun 12, 2009 04:05 PM

the movie is okay..its refreshing but..its not soo funny just okay..anne hathway is good but the other girl is just so BORinnnn

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Vito Corleone
Refreshing Movie
by Vito Corleone on Jun 12, 2009 11:03 AM  | Hide replies

Saw it in the flight on my way back from Thailand.I am normally not able to sleep when I am travelling by air. But while watching this film I was able to achieve this feat and felt refreshed when the flight landed. :-)

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Abhilash Nair
Re: Refreshing Movie
by Abhilash Nair on Jun 12, 2009 11:38 AM
Lol....that was funny

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