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by CHATUR on Dec 04, 2009 09:01 PM


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Are these questions genuine
by PS on Dec 04, 2009 06:53 PM  | Hide replies

Are these questions genuine?
Many times when I asked simple questions(finance and shares related) on rediff chat,they remain unanswered till the time out.

My query is ,what is genuineness of these questions and answers?

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Re: Are these questions genuine
by Immoralist on Dec 04, 2009 07:12 PM
My query is, what is genuineness of your question?

tell tell
Thanks and Regards,
Dr. P.K. Talli

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Re: Re: Are these questions genuine
by PS on Dec 06, 2009 05:09 PM
PK Talli,
My questions are hard to proove about genuinity because they remain unanswered in chats hence they dont come in front of public.

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Ritu Singh
Tanaaz grow a brain first... Then comment about Vindoo....
by Ritu Singh on Dec 04, 2009 05:51 PM

Tanaaz shows that her "so-called" forgiveness is nothing but a blatant lie...

The reason why she hates Vindoo is that the entire nation seems to be rooting for the gentle giant and the nation seems to like the way he speaks his mind (at times he overdoses on that too) but when he realizes his error he makes no bones about reaching out !!
His humane nature is evident... Tanaaz doesnt need to endorse it..!!!
She needs to be more concerned about her two-faced hubby dear who has amply demonstrated that although he can abuse his wife, he doesnt have the balls to face up to either Vindoo, Pravesh, Kamaal or Raju. So obviously he is now the "ladyboy type" of Big Boss house..!!!

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Meherwan Mehta
Big Boss Winner
by Meherwan Mehta on Dec 04, 2009 05:33 PM  | Hide replies

Aditi - She is the least controversial. Claudia a close second.

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Praveen Pandey
Re: Big Boss Winner
by Praveen Pandey on Dec 04, 2009 10:04 PM
Both are so lovely, Desi and videshi flavor.

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Meherwan Mehta
Big Boss Winner
by Meherwan Mehta on Dec 04, 2009 05:31 PM  | Hide replies

Looks like Aditi is the winner. She is the least controversial. Claudia a close second.

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mandeep aneja
Re: Big Boss Winner
by mandeep aneja on Dec 04, 2009 06:54 PM

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Meherwan Mehta
Big Boss Winner
by Meherwan Mehta on Dec 04, 2009 05:31 PM

Looks like Aditi is the winner. She is the least controversial. Claudia a close second.

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tana chudeel and bakti chuhas were creating pollution
by salesjb on Dec 04, 2009 03:23 PM  | Hide replies

these type of characters shame for the society. That we learned.

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Re: tana chudeel and bakti chuhas were creating pollution
by salesjb on Dec 04, 2009 03:23 PM
chuha is always crying, using all abusing words and chudel is always frustrate.

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Re: Re: tana chudeel and bakti chuhas were creating pollution
by salesjb on Dec 04, 2009 03:24 PM
Yes Vindoo is the best . He is well popular in all over the world. you can check in the dicussion board of biggboss dot co dot in.

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alan fernandes
Re: Re: Re: tana chudeel and bakti chuhas were creating pollution
by alan fernandes on Dec 05, 2009 03:02 PM
in what way ?I cannot understand. You are not the only one. There are millions of supporters of terrorists who are looked up as heroes these days.

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harinder dhaliwal
Re: Re: Re: Re: tana chudeel and bakti chuhas were creating pollu
by harinder dhaliwal on Dec 06, 2009 01:31 AM
I support Vindoo too. So salesjb is not the only one. and you are an idiot comparing vindoo to terrorists.

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Barbie Girl
Fake questions by Rediff
by Barbie Girl on Dec 04, 2009 03:04 PM  | Hide replies

I wonder if real people are asking those questions?
There cannot be so many manay people liking this uncultured couple.

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Re: Fake questions by Rediff
by salesjb on Dec 04, 2009 03:25 PM
Yes u r right in the chat session i put some question but they were not answered. Lots of people are in the discussion board and they dont got any answer. I think tanaz and rediff plant question.

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Ritu Singh
Re: Fake questions by Rediff
by Ritu Singh on Dec 04, 2009 05:44 PM
I think you are spot on... I had asked a question to her on the Chat Forum (Chat ID : Ritu) about Bhaktiyaar's behaviour (abusive towards her and meek towards others) and about her self respect and also whether she was afraid that Bhaktiyaar would leave her for a younger woman (one of the reason for Tanaaz taking the crap from Bhaktiyaar)... But my question didnt even get onto the answering board..

So I think these questions are mere publicity stunts orchestrated by rediff to give her visibility and help her garner votes for CryBaby BEE...!!!!

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Barbie Girl
Fake questions by Rediff
by Barbie Girl on Dec 04, 2009 03:03 PM

I wonder if real people are asking those questions?
There cannot be so many manay people liking this uncultured couple.

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Bad Man
she has
by Bad Man on Dec 04, 2009 12:22 PM

grown up like anyhing.....fully matured to be..

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