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Five lessons to learn from the Love Guru

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how long we should adjust ourselves and give explainations
by jet on Jun 20, 2008 08:31 PM  | Hide replies

This guy seems to be giving lessons for hindus but not to the others. How long we have to moud and change. Muslims came and screwed us, we allowed that and adjusted our selves. We agreed and adjusted ourselves when they broke out motherland. Christians came and converted poor and innocent and still abusing hinduism and hindu gods and converting poor gullible people. we adjusted to that and not stopping it.I have not seen this movie but if this movie makes a caricature of hinduism and its traditions then hindus have evry right to protest it. By protesting atleast we are giving a message to people loudly that evry thing is not correct in the movie. If there was no controversy then people will definitely think that the movie depicts correct version and moreover no body is burning effigies and attacking people and property. The guys who protested atleast gave a message that all is not good in the movie

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RE:how long we should adjust ourselves and give explainations
by lakubo on Jun 23, 2008 11:22 AM
Think positive, look at the other side, what was India before Muslims & Christians, an unknown entity without a name, in fighting tribal families, practicing dogmatic discriminating rituals, a completely disintegrated society following animistic rituals. It might sound very negative but these were existing along with the postives. Invaders cannot conquer if the community is strong, which was not the case with India. Time changes, practices change, methods prevalent earlier may not be suitable in current times, we cannot judge history. There are many positives from Muslim and Xian rule's.

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Looking for controversy
by deepak on Jun 20, 2008 06:18 PM  | Hide replies

Ever since this movie was planned, Deepak Chopra and his cohorts have been looking for controversy and some sensational breaking news. So a few Hindus do find it offending as they should, but why is Rediff with others making such a big issue out of it? No one has threatened the movie makers so far...It is true that young Americans who have such little knowledge of Hinduism will form negative ideas about the religion and culture and some people chose to air that concern..I also find it funny that Dr Deepak Chopra who says he is not Hindu should clarify that position for Hindus..If you are not Hindu but its ok to make a living out of selling Hindu philosophy, then you definitely are not qualified to tell us what is offensive to Hindus.

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Raj Reddy
RE:Looking for controversy
by Raj Reddy on Jun 20, 2008 06:38 PM
I saw on CNN, Deepak Chopra is all for this movie. In fact Deepak Chopra is the spiritual guru of Mike Myers. So please update your knowledge before blaming Deepak Chopra to flame the fires of opposition.

On the other side, I do agree with you on what Deepak Chopra teaches, talks about all the time, makes money off of, is all Hindu philophical base... and the guy to come out and say he is pulling it all out of ancient scriptures and his "own interpretations" is kind of irritating to watch.

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RE:Looking for controversy
by Calspadeaspade on Jun 20, 2008 08:03 PM
You have not read his post properly. He did not say Chopra was agaist this movie. But Chopra created some controversies against Hindus.I have noticed it also. Chopra made some statements against some Hindus who spoke against certain perceived anti HIndu statements.

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RE:Looking for controversy
by deepak on Jun 20, 2008 08:43 PM
Of course Deepak C is for this movie - he has got a stake in the movie....and why should anyone be against a movie ?...controversies sell - and Deepak C cried murder from day 1 when some Hindu priest Rajan Zed pointed out that the movie offended Hindu sentiments...fine, it does offend but no one issued fatwas or anything...we have seen on these pages of Rediff sensational headings about how Hindus are up in arms against the movie and Chopra...Clearly, these guys were trying to draw attention to this movie with imagined 'Attacks, Assaults, Up in Arms' from Hindus. They want the publicity & egging Hindus on to react. Watch carefully !

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abhai  tripathi
RE:Very Funny
by abhai tripathi on Jun 20, 2008 07:25 PM
Dear aza,

Stay inside Pakistan and watch the funny rituals of Mullah. Wait for the second part of this movie: Muhd. and Christ reincarnated and staying as Gay couple in upper manhattan. They travel to India for learning Kamasutra....

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RE:RE:Very Funny
by Sesh on Jun 22, 2008 06:16 PM
Hilarious reply...


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by deepak on Jun 20, 2008 06:23 PM
Hinduism is not sustained by stories of monkeys lifting mountains...but by its inner philosophy..monkey lifting mountains is Hindu mythology which molded Indian/Hindu way of life..worship of God in Hinduism is pretty simple and anyone can form bhakti for God in any of His manifestations. It is not like God sending some books in Arabic which asks for killing and murder...and there is no compulsion in following any particular aspect of Hinduism...its not a my way or the highway type of desert religion that beheads people.

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