Discussion Board

Knocked up: Delightfully raunchy

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Re: get your facts right!
by on Jun 03, 2007 05:43 PM

Mr. SenFool, the possessive case of the pronoun "you" is spelled "your". "Ur" is an ancient city in southern Mesopotamia. Being a niggling pedant, you should know the difference!

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Kanhu mishra
by Kanhu mishra on Jun 02, 2007 09:56 AM

Is this movie released or going to release in India?

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Raja SenFool
get your facts right!
by Raja SenFool on Jun 01, 2007 11:36 PM

Mr Pais, in the movie, Katherine Heigl works for E!, which is not a "news channel" as you have mentioned in ur review! Its an entertainment channel. Being a reviewer, you should know the difference!

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