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Shabana on Gandhi Peace Prize

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Prashant Narekuli
First Indian to receive Gandhi Peace Prize
by Prashant Narekuli on Sep 15, 2009 08:55 PM

Baba Amte was chosen for Gandhi Peace Prize in Aug 1999....

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Anurag Agrawal
It is just publicity gimmick
by Anurag Agrawal on Oct 19, 2007 10:50 AM

go the site of Gandhi Prize foundation they do not give any money with the award they just give a statue of Gandhi Ji which the receipient has to return the following year and one has to bear the expense of going to London to receive the award . How very funny. The government of India should try and curtail so many Gandhi prizes being given all around by all and sundry.

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sayyed kasim
by sayyed kasim on Sep 14, 2006 07:28 PM

nice story fine thanks

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sanjoy roy
Shabana on Gandhi Peace Prize.
by sanjoy roy on Sep 12, 2006 11:42 PM

Really, I can't believe they are awarding people these days for just being a Muslim .. just to keep them calm because everyone is scared of them.
Can they ever propagate peace at all? They are noteworthy for their violence. Lastly where did Shabana bring peace? Among her siblings :)

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Congrats Shabana!
by Niddhe on Sep 12, 2006 09:27 PM

I am a such a huge fan of Ms Azmi. She is truly secular and a role model for the country and the world.So articulate, graceful, talented-and a great visionary-we are blessed to have her amidst us.

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by Nitin on Sep 12, 2006 12:54 PM

I am a fan of Shabana Azmi. She is a true patriotic Indian Muslim with modern values. She has transformed herself from an actress to social servant. To all the people who are not aware of her activities other than films, please study the other activities before commenting. We are proud of you Shabana Azmi.

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Phultu Bakwas !
by Bopanna on Sep 12, 2006 12:23 PM

I think the Gandhi Foundation of London need to revisit the criteria for awarding the Peace prize.

Cheap publicity gimick

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by ramakrishna on Sep 12, 2006 03:26 AM

it is really a prize that shabana azmi truly deserves considering the social service that she has rendered to the nation in her own style...

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Mahesh M
Yet another Joke on Gandhi
by Mahesh M on Sep 12, 2006 02:06 AM

If you want to disrespect gandhi, Do it openly, Why do they have Award in his name and give it to people like these...!!!??

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